Friday, October 25, 2013

Need help of VBA ? COME READ NOW !

want a rom for patching a Emerald hack Ips file ? - download Pokemon Emerald now -

want Visual Boy Advance to play GBA and GBC games ? no prob just visit this -

wanna downlaod some Roms ?

Here is a little description about VBA

VBA Visual BoyAdvance a generatic ultimate and i say best Emulator to play GBA GameboyAdvance games in PC there are also some more Emulators but you will gonna sad if you did not download this VBA emulator cause it has the biggest facility ok now if you go to Option you can edit the Video Sound Filter Emulator Option and many other if you wanna change your view go to Video in Option then click the outfit you need (outfit means like 988x900) and then sound if you don't want all kind of huge and great music hit your brain with a shock and a high volume just disable the tune you don't want then in Emulator option you can do many thing if you diable "Pause When incrative arrow" so the VBA will stop if any other tab is open if its but if you able it if you run another VBA both will run as you want. then automatic IPS PAtching if you able this if you put the both ROM and ips file in same folder you doesn't need to do the patching by Lunar IPS just open the rom and you will see the IPS IS already patched then auto time clock enable it can help you in some WIFI event nothing more. then save type (if you notice some fire red rom says the file cannot save please excange the Back up memory in that case if you enable the "Flash 128 k and newly play the fire red rom and then tried to save the game will save correctly and no error message will appear ok :) then the other are about some VBA Main bio file no need to do anything with that stuff just forgot it okay :) so understand the special toturail of my for the VBA ?

If any question need to ask just comment on this post or contact me via email or emial me or if you had a account in twitter just Direct message me my username is @thefinlay_cena  and if you had one Account in PokeCommunity just Give me either a Visitors message or a Private message my account is Artisum and Rhytham ok :) thanks for reading fellow Poke fans :)

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